Don’t Let a Loose Tooth Get You Down: Try These Home Solutions

Posted by Dr. John Paul Gallardo, DDS, PA
Can a loose tooth tighten back up?
It is possible to tighten loose teeth with a dentist's help who will determine the right treatment for you

Having a loose tooth can be concerning, especially as harmful bacteria, tooth decay, and other issues can arise if left untreated. To prevent further damage, it is important to make an appointment with your dentist to discuss the best solution for your unique condition. However, there are some methods you can try at home to tighten a loose tooth before making a dental visit. In this article, we’ll go through the causes of your problem. Read on and learn how to tighten a loose tooth successfully!

Identifying Why Is Your Tooth Loose?

Good oral hygiene & health is important, plain & simple. People should always be aware of what is going on in their mouths. Ideally, everyone should spend a few seconds checking for any issues in their gums and teeth, every day.

Now, there are several different reasons for loose teeth in adults, and each one may require a different treatment. That’s for us professionals to identify, however, so self-diagnosis can be thrown out the window for now:

Gum Disease

One of the most common dental issues we deal with is periodontitis (gum disease). This condition is an infection and inflammation of the gums. Poor oral hygiene and neglect of your dental health is the leading cause of periodontal disease occurs. 

This goes far beyond a simple rinse. When we do not brush our teeth properly, plaque develops as well as bad breath. The bacteria in plaque causes it to harden and stick to teeth persistently. This hardened plaque (tartar) forces gums to pull away from the tooth.

With the gums receding from the tooth, there is no longer enough support to hold it steadily in place.

Other than tartar, bone loss, and gum recession, you may also experience tender, swollen, or red gums. If gum disease persists, you may even notice that your teeth fit together differently. The earlier you visit a periodontist’s office to address this, the better the chances of saving it.


Injury is the most obvious reason for a loose adult tooth. Anything from a sports injury to a car accident can cause damage to your teeth and the surrounding tissue. We include teeth clenching and grinding in this category since they are forms of long-term injury.

Early detection is key, and in such cases, we offer dental emergency services as well. The sooner we assess the situation, the quicker we can find the best solution for you.


Osteoporosis is a weakening of the bones where the otherwise solid bone mass becomes porous. This results in easily broken bones with even the slightest impact. And although we associate the condition with older folks, osteoporosis can affect a wide range of us.

Generally speaking, though, it tends to affect women over the age of 50.

The disease tends to affect the spine, hips, and wrists but can also cause deterioration of the bones in the jaw. Fortunately, osteoporosis patients can receive treatment with special drugs. Though rare, some of these prescribed drugs may pose a greater risk of gum disease.

If you are suffering from osteoporosis, let us know of any medication you are taking when you visit our office with a loose tooth.


One of the happiest occurrences in your life can coincidentally cause you to experience loose teeth.

The elevated levels of progesterone and estrogen during pregnancy can affect the tissue in your mouth enough to cause a loose tooth. The raised levels of these hormones can cause changes in the bones and ligaments that support your teeth. These bones and tissues are collectively called the periodontium and are responsible for keeping your teeth securely in place.

Luckily, these changes to the periodontium resolve themselves after the woman has given birth. Just in case, though, we should have a look to rule out any other causes which may be responsible for the loose tooth.

Try these 7 Home Remedies to Strengthen Loose Teeth

How to tighten a loose tooth at home? There are a few periodontitis home treatments that people use in an attempt to strengthen a tooth’s connection with the gums.

  1. Avoid eating hard foods and brushing your teeth vigorously, as this can worsen the problem.
  2. Gargle with a mixture of warm water and salt to reduce inflammation.
  3. Use an interdental brush to clean between teeth and remove plaque.
  4. Try stabilization splinting if you need permanent tooth replacement. This is a technique used by dentists to save loose teeth from extraction.
  5. Apply clove oil topically on the affected area for pain relief and anti-inflammatory effects.
  6. Rub vitamin E oil onto your gums for its healing properties.
  7. Rinse your mouth with a mild antiseptic solution made from hydrogen peroxide and clean water to reduce bacterial growth in the mouth.

At this point, I need to mention that rinses and other home remedies cannot restore a situation that has existed for too long.

Girl gargles with salt water as an at-home oral hygiene routine
Saltwater gargles are a good option for loose teeth if the damage is minor

How We Fix Patients’ Loose Teeth

Depending on the underlying cause, there are several things I can do to treat a loose tooth. After I’ve made a diagnosis, I will apply one of the following:

Dental Splinting

A loose adult tooth may be saved by applying splinting techniques, which involve sticking the loose teeth to the adjacent teeth with special resin and fiber materials. 

Scaling and Root Planing

A deep cleaning by dental scaling and root planing can treat and even reverse periodontal disease.

Medication or Mouth Rinses

The purpose of these is to help infected gums heal by fighting the bacteria that has damaged them.

Flap Surgery

First, a dental professional make incisions in your gums and pulls back the gum tissue. After that, a deep cleaning is performed (dental scaling and root planning), and then the gum tissue will be reattached.

Soft Tissue Grafts

Soft tissue grafts are useful in stopping further damage from gum disease.

Bone Grafts

Bone grafts work by helping to rebuild any bone that has been lost to gum disease.

On top of the treatments I offer my patients, I also stress the importance of preventative measures for your oral health. You don’t have to wait until you’re experiencing a loose tooth to apply these best practices.

Preventative Measures You Can Take to Avoid Losing a Teeth

Dental care is the key to having healthy teeth and preventing tooth loss. Dental hygiene is the first step, but it is necessary to keep in mind other tips:

  • Brushing your teeth
  • Quitting smoking
  • Having regular dental checkups
  • Getting adequate vitamin D and calcium
  • Wearing a mouth guard while playing sports
  • Trying tooth splinting for nighttime grinding
  • Informing your dentist about a medication you are taking that might affect your teeth

Are Loose Teeth a Lost Cause?

I’d like to be able to save all of my patient’s teeth. However, sometimes a loose tooth ends up having to come out. If the underlying cause for your loose tooth is too far gone, there are restorative actions we can take to ensure you maintain a complete smile, such as dental implants. In any case, there is no need to panic.

Get in Touch with a Dental Professional in Miami

If you experience a loose tooth, contact us at Gallardo Periodontics today at 305-447-1447. Our staff of dental professionals can schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience in our Miami office. Also, you can fill out our contact form. We respond to requests promptly.